Tag Archives: aquarelle

Affiche VENISE titre sitedef

Journey to Venise – Danièle Ohnheiser

Very free in the choice of subjects, she focuses as much on a majestic palace as on a well-lit trefoil window, on a breakaway between two bridges, a worm-eaten door or on a small colonnade half sunk in the Grand …

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From the Collection to the Artist’s studio

This exhibition claims its support for contemporary art in general and for artists from the South region chosen from the collection whose work and sensitivity are remarkable for their creativity. It shows the extent of the collection, the plurality of …


Henry Person. Navigate in colors

The Musée Regards de Provence honors the work of Henri Person who, throughout his life, built his work on themes that are dear to him such as boats, the sea, the trees that border it and the small villages of …

Atelier Vies Silencieuses bd

(Français) Ateliers Créatifs dans l’univers de Mayer

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