
REGARDS CAFE facing the sea ! Discover

(Français) Le Regards Café, situé au 2ème étage du Musée Regards de Provence, est un restaurant au style méditerranéen et contemporain, résolument moderne et convivial. Sa salle, sa terrasse couverte entourée de baies vitrées et son toit-terrasse arty et végétalisé, offrant une vue panoramique incomparable sur la mer Méditerranée, constituent une belle étape gourmande et raffiné, dans une ambiance décontractée.
Privatisable en journée ou en soirée pour des évènements privés ou d’entreprises.


Memory of the Sanitary Station Découvrir

The Musée Regards de Provence reveals the Memory of the Sanitary Station, an electronic staging large-scale, special effects, sound, light and water play telling the story of the health system in Marseille and the Mediterranean into the architectural project designed by Fernand Pouillon.

Salle Memoire Station Sanitaire effets de lumiere bd


Support the foundation or association by becoming a member or sponsor

Over the years, the Fondation Regards de Provence has made an important artistic heritage of over 850 works related directly or indirectly to the territory to the south. The Foundation needs your involvement to build the place able to accommodate his collection Regards Museum of Provence. Take part in the animation of the Regards de Provence Museum and the development of its annual program by becoming a member in a personal capacity or in the form of sponsorship with your company.