For the artist Jean-Pierre Blanche, nature dazzled by the sun or at nightfall, the trees, its 300-year-old cedar, buildings with soberly lit shutters never ceased to be a source of inspiration. Bewitched by landscapes, Jean-Pierre Blanche has chosen recurring motifs to restore his colorful emotions felt on the motif whose processing capacities he explores and transmits the vibration in his large charcoals and pastels. His diurnal and nocturnal landscapes, his variations of recurring motifs of trees, reeds, tall grass, the horizon, a fence or a path, drawn in charcoal, watercolor or pastel, are particularly attractive a palette of tangy shades and mastered chiaroscuros.
His obsessive work on light and on the texture of bright flat tints shines through in his compositions where his colorful and physical emotions felt on the motif vibrate in his painting. “Life is only rhythm”, said the artist, evoking his symbiosis with the rhythm of the elements of nature. “Life is only an experience of space and time, lived as a pleasure in the interval. The art of Jean Pierre Blanche establishes an in-between: a place between verticality and horizontality, between flatness and depth, light and night, visible and invisible. Barriers, trees against the light, open windows and translucent shutters are all transparent rhythms, lines on which color nestles, branches between which the sea blooms. Life is nothing but rhythm, indeed, when immobility opens up another form of movement, something like a silent dance, between tall grass, between branches, between the folds of a trunk or the sails of two boats” wrote Pierre Wat.
The exhibition is curated in collaboration with the heirs of Jean-Pierre Blanche by Michel Hilaire, General Heritage Curator & Director of the Musée Fabre Montpellier Agglomération, Pierre Dumon, President of the Association Regards de Provence and Adeline Dumon, Director of the museum.
Practical information and visits to the Regards de Provence Museum
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Temporary exhibition ticket: Full Price: €8.50.
Reduced prices: €7.50 – €6.70 – €5.70 – €4.00 – €3.00.
Guided tours outside the group in French: entrance fee + €7 /pers. (excluding groups), Tuesday and Saturday at 3 p.m. by reservation.
Guided tours for groups in French: entrance fee + €7 /pers., every day by reservation.
Free guided tour in French outside of groups on the first Saturday of each month at 10:30 a.m., excluding entrance fee (full price) by reservation (6 to 25 people).
Plastic art workshop on the first Saturday and third Sanday of each month: price: €12, including entrance fee and free supplies (from 5 to 20 people maximum – duration 1h30 ).
Registration by reservation at info@museeregardsdeprovence.com or 04 96 17 40 40